The Colorado Chapter had an evening potluck during the heat of August. Fortunately, the weather threatened rain so we didn’t have the usual radiant heating of the air, meaning that the covered patio at member Marci’s house was a comfortable place for conversation.
Carol entertained us with a study of garments from 1922 in the CoPa Archive (Commercial Pattern Archive – Home (, see also Association of Sewing and Design Professionals – Threads Challenge ( Carol found the pattern (#3750 Butterick) from the June 1922 Delineator Magazine at (see figure). It had heirloom drawn work for decorations, so she showed us a modern example she made. Then she showed us examples of undergarments for support, one of which looks much like the current sport’s bra.
When a box of donated fabric appeared, we discussed all the ways we manage to store our large stashes of fabric. Yvonne, in a previous home, took over the closet in the entry way and had all her fabric on extra-large hangers with fabrics arranged by type and color. Afterward we discussed a special excursion we’ll take in September to the Denver Art Museum to see Carla Fernández Casa de Moda: A Mexican Fashion Manifesto, which was particularly exciting for new member Gabriela, who is originally from Mexico.