The Colorado chapter invited former professional snowboard and design leader J.J. Collier to its February meeting.  J.J. has worked for Salomon, Ralph Lauren, Spyder, and other leading brands. He spoke to us of three major issues: the state of the retail sewing industry, new 3D graphics packages for draping designs digitally, and sustainability.

J.J. cited time to market as a key issue in the industry today and the future being direct-to-consumer marketing.  He reports that customers are becoming more aware of the sources of their garment purchases and their environmental impact.  These issues, coupled with the current limitations on travel to factories, makes him conscious of the need for local sewists and small shops to construct finite numbers of garments rather than the 3,000 unit minimum runs of many overseas factories.  He sees a future in Quality over Quantity, custom, and Buy Fewer Better.

J.J. also sees a shift from designers who simply draw, particularly in Adobe Illustrator, to designers who can use 3D garment drafting software such as CLO and Browzwear. The incredible rendering capability of 3D software allows the modern designer to draft, drape, animate, and create incredible storytelling tools.  J.J. says “This approach, coupled with smaller, more considered runs of lasting product, engaging, authentic storytelling and conscious sourcing is the future of our industry.”

For more information, or to contact J.J., see