The Colorado Chapter of ASDP met twice in October. First for our usual monthly presentation and second to view fashions at the Denver Art Museum.
Our technical meeting included a zoom presentation by Art Bierschbach on Leadership and Communication. Art reminded us that everyone is always a leader, whether or not they think they are. As such, communication is 85% of the success of a leadership and 15% is technical skills. Poor communication leads to lost productivity and high turnover in business. Poor communication often occurs due to insufficient listening because we are no longer in the era of “Do as I say” style of leadership.
Art talked to us about a two-axis system of leadership styles: on axis is the task oriented vs. people-oriented leader and the other axis is passive vs. assertive leaders. He spoke of how to address people in each quadrant to improve communications and deal with disagreements. For follow-ups after meetings, he suggested Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software because it allows notes about the people present and connects to your calendar for the time frame for the follow-up activities.
At the Denver Art Museum we viewed garments by Mexican fashion designer Carla Fernandez. She uses artisans from across Mexico to decorate her designs. One video showed an artisan quickly machine stitching intricate designs through a decorative layer and the garment fabric. The design was then carefully cut along each side of the stitching (see photo). An example of this work is shown on the sleeve of the black wool and gold leather garment (see photo).

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