The Colorado chapter invited ASDP VP of Conference Planning, Susan Child, to its May meeting.  Susan agreed to this position because she always learns something new at conference.  She also likes conference because it is a chance to network with others in the business, it is an opportunity to grow, and it is a good way to learn about running a business.  She also noted that conference encourages her to work hard but also learns how not to work so hard at tasks.  Plus, everyone is willing to share their knowledge and enthusiasm.

Conference tried something new this year: preregistration deposits.  This has helped tremendously in planning and estimating the number of people to expect at conference.  It also helped because she was unsure how many would want to come to conference due to uncertainty caused by COVID concerns.  There are a lot of moving parts to planning for Conference, and planning got a late start this year due to COVID, so she has really appreciated a good estimate of the number of attendees.

This year’s conference will be celebrating 30 years as ASDP.  The keynote speaker will be Deepika Prakash.  Deepika started 20 years ago.  Susan has heard Deepika speak at a non-ASDP sewing conference and found her to be an excellent and dynamic speaker.

Special activities include a Meet-and-Greet lunch for attendees new to conference and a fabric-and-tools swap.  For the swap, attendees are encouraged to bring 2-3 items and perhaps pick up something special brought by someone else.  Attendees and their businesses are also encouraged to donate items for door prizes.  The fashion show will include audience choice award, so attendees are encouraged to bring something they have made that they or a model can wear.

The Annual Dinner will include board reports and election of new officers.  The Master Classes include Men’s Tailoring and Alterations, Introduction to Couture Sewing, and Advanced Couture Sewing.

Transportation to the hotel is by taxi or hopefully hotel shuttle (currently not operating due to COVID).  The hotel is a 10-minute walk from the convention center, so shuttles have been arranged to and from for those that do not care to walk.  These shuttles will run in the morning, at noon, and in the evening.  Anyone needing a ride at other times should go to the conference office to get a ride on the shuttle.  There are 115 places to eat within a 15-minute walk of the conference center, many within a 5-10 minute walk.

In terms of special considerations: The city of Boise has a no-smoking policy within city limits.  All public areas and buildings are smoke-free zones.  Smokers must stay at least 20 feet away from any public entrance.   In addition, we must abide by any city and state restrictions due to COVID.

We will have most of the fourth floor of the convention center.  The conference rooms have plenty of natural light from numerous windows.

After talking to us, Susan left with several questions that she’ll answer in her regular eblasts about conference.  These included taxi fare to the hotel, availability of rental sewing machines, and whether rooms for more than two people can get a cot for an extra person.

ASDP members who put down a deposit can register for classes starting July 1, non-members who submitted a deposit and ASDP members who did not send in a deposit can register starting July 15, non-members without a deposit can register August 1, and late registration starts September 1.

Susan noted that the hotel’s reservation page is a bit confusing.   She is willing to help anyone desiring assistance.  Because of this, she got the direct phone number to the hotel: 208-342-7000, and the conference code SPD.